Upcoming Events

Here you find all my dates for 2018 that I so far know of – festivals, workshops, shows and other projects that I will dance and teach in. More dates will follow soon. Detailed information to the projects you find when you copy – paste the links in your browser or follow the links. Information for workshops and shows you also find under “offers” in the menu.

Let´s keep on moving and touching each other !


Agenda 2018


1. „Jam Festival Bremen“

Bremen, Germany * 26.-30.12.2017
International Contact Impro Festival


2. „Berlin New Years Festival“

Berlin, Germany * 30.12.2017-02.01.2018
International Festival – Contact Improvisation and Watermotion


3. „Goa Ecstatic Festival“

Arambol, India * 10.-15.01.2018
International Festival – Ecstatic Dance, Contact Impro, Authentic Relating and more



4. „Goa Contact Festival“

Arambol, India * 20.-27.01.2018
International Contact Improvisation Festival


5. „Somatic Flow Goa“

Arambol, India * 13.-19.02.2018
International Festival – Contact Impro, Somatics, Watermotion and more


6. „Foundation Course“

Kassel, Germany * 12.02.-23.03.2018:
6 week full time dance training in school for contemporary dance SOZO vim


7. „Moving Water“

Göttingen, Germany * 10.03.2018 * 5.30-10.30 pm
Watermotion Workshop with Marielle Gerke



8. “OsterImpro Festival”

Göttingen, Germany * 29.03.-02.04.2018
International Contact Improvisation Festival


9. “Moving Water”

Witzenhausen, Germany * 11.04.-11.07.2018 * wednesdays 6-8 pm
Summerseries – Contact Improvisation, Aquatic Motion and Somatic Dance https://www.hochschulsport.uni-kassel.de/angebote/aktueller_zeitraum/_Contact_Improvisation_Witzenhausen.html


10. “Moving Water – Between Stillness and Motion”

Berlin, Germany * 20.-22.04.2018
Workshop Contact Improvisation & Aquatic Motion with Marielle Gerke & Dino Spiri https://www.facebook.com/events/544606465902104/


11. “I am here – what about you?”

Kassel, Germany * 28.04.2018
Workshop Contact Improvisation for all levels with Marielle Gerke


12. “I am here – what about you?”

Münster, Germany * 06.05.2018
Workshop Contact Improvisation for all levels with Marielle Gerke


13. “Berlin Contact Impro Festival”

Berlin, Germany * 09.-13.05.2018
International Festival – Contact Impro, Aquatic Motion and Axis Syllabus


14. “Pfingst Jam Potsdam”

Potsdam, Germany * 18.-21.05.2018
International Contact Improvisation Festival


15. “Together into the Unknown”

Göttingen, Germany * 03.06.2018
Dance- and Musicperformance with Peter Krug, Marielle Gerke, Katja-Bahini Mangold, Selina Samland and Pauline Reichardt


16. “MomentUm Moment”

Witzenhausen, Germany * 08.-10.06.2018
Workshop Contact Improvisation for intermediate and experienced level with Marielle Gerke and Katja-Bahini Mangold


17. “Moving Water”

Marburg, Germany * 30.06.-01.07.2018
Workshop Contact Improvisation and Somatic Dance for intermediate level with Marielle Gerke


18. “Body-Love-Festival”

Between Hamburg and Berlin, Germany * 20.-25.07.2018
International Festival – Contact Impro, Ecstatic Dance, Music and much more


19. “Contact meets Contemporary”

Göttingen, Germany * 30.07.-05.08.2018
International Contact Improvisation Festival


20. “Portugal Contact Gathering 2018”

Algarve, Portugal * 02.-23.09.2018
Contact Camp (02.-09.), Contact Festival (10.-16.), Somatic Flow Festival (17.-23.) https://www.facebook.com/events/164539947422968/


21. „Moving Water“

Göttingen, Germany * 06.10.2018 * 5.30-10.30 pm
Watermotion Workshop with Marielle Gerke



22. “Somatic Retreat”

Countryside of Berlin, Germany * 11.-14.10.2018
Contact Improvisation, Watermotion and Community with Marielle Gerke


23. “Foundation Course”

Kassel, Germany * 15.10.-23.11.2018:
6 week full time dance training in school for contemporary dance SOZO vim


24. “CI Workshop Kassel”

Kassel, Germany * 27.10.2018
Contact Improvisation, One-Day-Training with Marielle Gerke

25. “CI Workshop in Witzenhausen with Marielle Gerke and Katja-Bahini Mangold”

Witzenhausen, Germany * 23.-25.11.2018
Contact Improvisation, Weekend-Training with Marielle Gerke and Katja-Bahini Mangold

26. “CI Gathering in Witzenhausen”

Witzenhausen, Germany * 14.-16.12.2018
Contact Improvisation, Watermotion, Singing, Sharing, Bodywork, Community